« LAW 25 »
Protect your personal data ...

« Law 25 »
Mandatory in Quebec!

On September 22 (2022), the new law 25 came into force in Quebec with a view to modernizing and securing the processes for managing your computer documents. This law applies primarily to protect the personal information of your employees and your customers. It requires you to identify and document the processes you will use. Heavy fines will be issued in the event of non-compliance with this law, in addition to possibly being sued by the parties concerned.

IMPORTANT: This law is not an option; it is a legal obligation to comply with it!

This law will be deployed over 3 years, in 3 distinct stages. (Below, simplified):

    1. From September 22, 2022: Identify sources to be protected, implement policies and practices regarding IT security within your company, inform your employees and train them in view of these changes, establish an incident register, protect, and identify sources of information. Your company should ideally publish the owner of these processes;
    2. September 22, 2023: Deepen and structure current IT security policies and practices, oversee these policies and develop a public policy governing personal information. Document all these procedures...
    3. September 22, 2024: Put in place policies for data portability, so that information can be offered simply at the request of users and in formats that are easily usable and simple to understand.

This law will be implemented gradually and applies to all businesses in Quebec, regardless of their size. It will make you aware of the issues and risks of computing today and will have to offer, for the good of all in Quebec, a reliable and secure digital place.

This law is not to be taken lightly. The consequences of non-compliance with this law could cost you heavy losses from a financial and criminal point of view, and even in terms of your insurance, which could see their premiums increase significantly if you do not comply!

PointCA is there to help you go through all the processes of this law, at the same time offering better management for your business and making you aware of the mistakes not to make in this new digital world which is constantly evolving great speed !

Do not hesitated to contact us by phone at 1 866 699-0001 or via our online form (Click here !)


Sources, Gouv. Du Quebec (In French):

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